+31 (0) 167 44 05 00
FoodeQ familiemiddag

Festive FoodeQ Family Afternoon

On Friday 16 June, the FoodeQ workshop was transformed into a true technological paradise. Family and friends were welcomed enthusiastically and given an insight into the world of equipment for the food processing industry.

In the reception hall, a team was ready to welcome the guests with coffee/tea and some goodies. In the workshop, guests could walk around between the machines while our colleagues explained the machines present. These machines will soon be put into operation at one of the largest potato producers in the world.

Our guests received enthusiastic reactions about FoodeQ’s craftsmanship and innovative solutions. The CentreQ® demonstrations were also well received. After the tour of the workshop and our beautiful building, there was of course still time for a nice drink.

The FoodeQ family afternoon turned out to be the perfect opportunity for our colleagues to show their loved ones what they are passionate about every day. In addition, it was a successful and valuable opportunity that strengthened the team spirit and commitment within the company.

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